friday is a good movie.
friday is favored by more americans than any other day. (this information brought to you by the make believe blogspot data collection agency)
friday has more full moons than any other day. (according to m.b.b.d.c.a)
friday is the best day for peer-to-peer copulation between strangers. (m.b.b.d.c.a)
friday is the day when "good friday" happens.
this friday at the blue moon (frank sinatra's favorite bar) is the three year anneversary party for sound on the sound. the ironclads will be there playing songs we wrote and some songs we didn't. it is one of our last shows before we enter the cave known as "hiatus".
caves are a scary place. i don't mean to offend any spelunkers or cavers that may have stumbled upon this tiny plot of html here in cyberspace. i'm talking about how you might have thought about caves as a kid. you know, the ones that had vampire bats and whatever the fuck else that made you so afraid that you might pee your pants. caves like the one in that teddy ruxpin movie that had mud-people with intentions so ill it turned their eyes fire truck red. nobody wants to be enslaved by mud people.
if you miss friday's show, i'll do everything in my power to make sure that enslavement by mud people is in your near future. there are really no excuses for missing the show. navigator vs. navigator will be there rocking and playing one of my fave tunes hopefully (screams from the city! play it fuckers!). alligators will be there...eating people. when i listen to alligators i think of afternoon delight (dirty boy|girl. you know what i'm talking about. skyrockets in flight...), then taking a nap, then waking up and getting really stoned and then going to some park...spacing out to my bloody valentine, prince and kayo dot. am i the only one who gets this vibe? not that these musical reptiles sound like the aforementioned acts....i dunno. i'm chillin' on it, what else can i say?
come to the blue moon. i know there's a vicious summer cold going around but that's no fucking excuse. you tough it out asshole. i know 94% of my being is filled with snot and phlegm. the other 6% percent is self-doubt and sparse brain activity but i'll be there...playing drums if i remember how (dude, i'm a guitar player).
before i sign off, i'd like to say "welcome back" to mr. sun who left seattle for a week and left us with november. i'd also like to say give a warm welcome to shakira who left us for a while but is now back in music video medium at least. i'm pretty sure she hibernates inside volcanoes between albums to maintain her "hotness" only to arise once again killing all of us with staccato body gyrations. we're all better for it.